I am a firm believer in the science behind the human body’s endocannabinoid system and the judicious use of medicinally prescribed cannabis products for some of the conditions I treat. This is particularly relevant for my patients who have tried and failed the existing standard treatments AND one or more unlicensed medications for their particular ailment.
I am part of a private medical cannabis consultancy and prescription forum www.mamedica.co.uk where you can explore the various options available to you. You will be aware that medical cannabis prescribing is still in its early stages but there is a lot of work going on to enable its regulation and widespread acceptance – especially within the medical and surgical community.
My specialist interests are in brain tumours and facial pain, and during the initial stages I will limit my expertise to:
• Brain tumours and neuroplasticity
• Intractable facial pain
• Trigeminal neuropathic pain following standard
interventions for trigeminal neuralgia